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 My Uncle Buster married my Auntie Jess before my parents met. Mary had been staying with Jess on their farm, and dad was living about another four miles up the road. There is even some slight possibility that Jess arranged a meeting because Tim was quite good looking still at thirty five, and eligible because he was in the process of paying off his farm, and evidently making a success of it.

There is hint that dad and mum may have met before, but Jess denied the possibility when I asked her about it, but I think I may have discovered and read a letter written to Mary while she was staying with her parent in the Mission House on the beach in Mission Bay in Auckland.

My first memory of Buster is a vivid one. It must have been when I was about four or five, at their house, and Buster said to Auntie Jess, who was lovely and always treated we children well, "You watch it Jessie!". Even at that age I thought it was no way to speak to a woman, especially Mum' sister, and your wife, so I said "You watch it Buster" and made a little fist at him. Jess laughed, and made a joke out of it, repeating what I had said in a joking way, which perplexed me because I didn't think it was a joking situation, however it passed.

Funnily enough, mum told me years later that she had worked with Jess and Buster on the farm while she had been staying there, and couldn't abide Buster "because he was so rude" to Jess, just in the manner in which he spoke to her, but over the years I grew to know her a lot better, and she could always hold her own in an argument, and didn't appear to be brow beaten or subdued in any way at all. All who knew her could attest to this, and she was a remarkable woman.
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Funnily enough, mum told me years later that she had worked with Jess and Buster on the farm while she had been staying there, and couldn't abide Buster "because he was so rude" to Jess, just in the manner in which he spoke to her, but over the years I grew to know her a lot better, and she could always hold her own in an argument, and didn't appear to be brow beaten or subdued in any way at all. All who knew her could attest to this, and she was a remarkable woman.

Recently Buster died, just over a year after Jess passed away. He had been living in a rest home in Auckland for a year, and everyone who spoke at his funeral spoke highly of him, for achieving so much with his farm, his family, his real estate business,and working on various public bodies such as the county council, and harbourboard, and of course his work in the Freemason's Lodge where he was a Grandmaster.

 Here is a story about Buster, which my mother and Auntie Jess knew, but which I had forgotten about.

Going through the papers after my mother died I found a receipt for a valuation on some antiques and other family property. Jess and Mary had gone over to Tauranga where a valuer  called Doulton had done the work. Everything was fine until The receipt had to be signed. Doulton was standing behind the counter, and Jess and Mary were on the other side. Mary was on the right, (Jesse's left) and started to sign it as Doulton requested, until he stopped her. Sign you own name he said. Mary looked puzzled, as she usually did, and he insisted -sign your name. So the receipt clearly shows the letter M, not in her handwriting, and then teh name in shakey hand writing A F K Walter. Now mary would nver have signed somebody else's name, so the only conclusion which can logically be deduced, is that it was Buster in Mary's body. Not believing in God at this time, I would not have even considered that possible, but apparently it was so. The receipt is dated 1974, and I will scan it and post it on this page. What Jess and Buster (Mary) didn't know was that Doulton wasn't real either. I can recall the incident myself, but it was a long time ago, and I have never done such a thing in this life time. People may well ridicule me for talking rubbish, but nothing like that is possible without God, so I have no problem with it now.

It does however raise two important questions. Where was Mary, and how long had she been dead, and what was the purpose, and why had nobody thought to inform me? My reasoning about her death is that there is nothing on earth which would have prevented her from getting home to her children if she had been excluded from that meeting for some reason. This in itself is not evidence on its own, but building a case around the known facts will in time show that I am correct.

There is another case a lot closer to home that I know about. It will not be solved until a body is found, but because the woman in question is already dead, finding a second body is going to point directly to a conspiracy, in which the husband must have been complicit, by having knowledge of what had happened.

Time will tell.

 What is the difference between working in Heaven and working on earth?

On earth you have no time for anything but work and sleep. In Heaven you do not need to spend any time sleeping.

When is a tax not a tax?

When it is a tax refund.

 There are only a couple of incidents I can recall about interractions between myself and Buster, before I was born, and I honestly can't say when they happened in My timeline. The best I can say is that they probably happened to me before I was Crucified, i.e. well over two thousand years ago, but on earth they happened when time says they did. How this can be explained I can only really guess, but I have given it a go.

Once my cousin Phil had done something to annoy Buster and was in for a bit of dicipline, a beating or smack with a leather belt, which happened usually in Buster's office which was in the basement. The office was on the corner of the house, at ground level as the house was built into a hill, and the ground floor was on the next level up. There was a door in the office which lead into teh underneath part of the house which was bare dirt and pilings.

Since I knew the force Buster would use, I decided, or God decided to let me take the beating instead. I can honestly say he used enough force to break his arm, which is remarkable, because it never happened, although he did slip a few years later while walking down to the milking shed, and brroke his other arm, his left one.

While this beating was being administered, and I cannot remember any pain, Phil, his mother, I think Margeret and maybe one of teh other boys were uupstairs listening to teh sound, hugging each other I think. It only proves that wjile Buster may have wished, and had the ability in theory to be his own son, on this occasion at least, he was present in his own body, and dealing out a punishment. What I mean will become clear to those who do not believe in God, later on.


What grates with me about the case is that I arerested my Uncle for the rape and murder of unnamed people. I expected him to make a confession once the police took him into custody, and I wan't going to help him by naming the cases I was aware of, but let him see if he could guess right, and name those cases without revealing something I was not aware of, however he escaped justice  by dieing earlier this year, still a free man, bt I'm still waiting for the police to arrest the other person I arrested, ironically on the day of my friend John Marshall's funeral, when I was just angry enogh to get up the courage to do the necessary, but again I'm still waiting for the police to follow up. Dr Rees is that man, and he was around at teh time of the Jack the Ripper murders. If he was responsible for the 'Dear Boss' letters, I have a handwriting match, but again, he could probably clain that he was not around at the time and didn't personally write them.



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