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Coming soon: New Zealand Edition.

The prices are higher, but what is in it for the banker?

One difference is the Internet Service Provider.



Price  $1.6Million

Rent 120 K

with 1 apartment        600K

with 2 apartments      1.8 M

with 3 apartments      5 M

with 4 apartments      7M


If a player owns all the sites of any

colour group, the rent is doubled on

unimproved sites in that group.

Cost of apartments       $1 M each

Cost of hotels                 1 M plus

4 apartments

Mortgage value of site     800K

©2007 Hasbro, All rights reserved






Price  $1.5 Million

Rent 100 K

with 1 apartment        500K

with 2 apartments      1.5 M

with 3 apartments      4.5 M

with 4 apartments      6.25M

RENT WITH HOTEL        7.5 M

If a player owns all the sites of any

colour group, the rent is doubled on

unimproved sites in that group.

Cost of apartments       $1 M each

Cost of hotels                 1 M plus

4 apartments

Mortgage value of site     700K

©2007 Hasbro, All rights reserved
SS Showboat
There used to be a float parade on 1st January every year in Rotorua. One year we saw Mrs Scott all blacked-up on the Showboat float. We could hardly recognise her.
The SS Showboat is a virtual gaming casino which leaves the dock at Taupo, on Lake Taupo at midnight every evening to make the 10 hour 40 mile crossing (slowly) to the southern end of the lake, Turangi. It departs at noon every day for the return.
On board are every type of online gaming, theatres, restaurants, live virtual reality shows.
The only way in is via Roturua Airport, and then a brisk 2hr trip by car or coach to Taupo. Bookings are essential.
Once at Turangi, you can go on an adventure excursion organised by the local Tangata Whenua, drive a virtual car around the loop road at National Park, visit the Army Museum at Waiuru, the Skifields at Ohakune, and much, much more.



Price  $1.5 Million

Rent 100 K

with 1 apartment        500K

with 2 apartments      1.5 M

with 3 apartments      4.5 M

with 4 apartments      6.25M

RENT WITH HOTEL        7.5 M

If a player owns all the sites of any

colour group, the rent is doubled on

unimproved sites in that group.

Cost of apartments       $1 M each

Cost of hotels                 1 M plus

4 apartments

Mortgage value of site     700K

©2007 Hasbro, All rights reserved


Internet Service Provider

Price $1.5 Million (New Zealand Dollars)

See Telecøm or Electric Company


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