Hhis code was copied from the top of the email accounts offered by Yola. It shows what can go wrong with bad scripting.
tag of the source document
(IE5 sucks!)
if (typeof doc == 'undefined') {
doc = windowObj.parent.document;
return doc;
return window.document;
var changeflag = false;
if ( window.parent && window.parent.changeflag ){
window.parent.changeflag = false;
//there's a problem with the parent
var wtype = 't';
// reset any state on the parent window
if ( wtype.toLowerCase() == "a" ){
if ( window.parent.subCanvasSettings ){
window.parent.subCanvasSettings.isModified = false;
// Cross-browser implementation of element.addEventListener()
function addListener(element, type, expression, bubbling)
bubbling = bubbling || false;
if (window.addEventListener) { // Standard
element.addEventListener(type, expression, bubbling);
return true;
} else if (window.attachEvent) { // IE
element.attachEvent('on' + type, expression);
return true;
} else return false;
function removeListener(element, type, expression, bubbling){
bubbling = bubbling || false;
if (window.removeEventListener) { // Standard
element.removeEventListener(type, expression, bubbling);
return true;
} else if (window.detachEvent) { // IE
var r = element.detachEvent('on' + type, expression);
return r;
} else return false;
//This send a confirmation message to the user and desable the pressed link
function confirmExit(e) {
//Get the clicket element
var tg = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target;
if ( ! tg ){
tg = ( e.target ) ? e.target : e.srcElement;
tg = tg.nodeName == 'A'?tg:tg.parentNode;
//If it is an A element
if (tg.nodeName == 'A') {
if (window.changeflag)
var answer = confirm('You have some unsaved settings, do you want to continue?');
if (typeof tg.hrefOld != 'undefined')
tg.href = tg.hrefOld;
// reset changeflag
changeflag = false;
if ( wtype.toLowerCase() != "a" ){
var doc = getDocumentObject( window.parent );
removeListener(doc, 'click', confirmExit);
window.parent.changeflag = false;
if (typeof tg.hrefOld == 'undefined')
tg.hrefOld = tg.href;
tg.href = "#";
if (typeof tg.hrefOld != 'undefined') {
tg.href = tg.hrefOld;
function unsavedChange(evt)
//Set true the changeflag
changeflag = true;
addListener(document, 'click', confirmExit);
* If we're in an Ajax-based environment, we simply set the isModified flag
* on the subCanvasSettings.
if ( wtype.toLowerCase() == "a" ){
if ( window.parent.subCanvasSettings ){
window.parent.subCanvasSettings.isModified = true;
* When in degraded/basic mode, we set the changeflag on the parent window
* and add a listener in order to display the "unsaved settings" alert when
* the user attempts to leave the settings page without saving any changes.
} else {
window.parent.changeflag = true;
var doc = getDocumentObject( window );
addListener(doc, 'click', confirmExit);
//Set the title of the document
var doc = getDocumentObject( window );
doc.title = "Webmail";